'+&b.; 2 11. Music consist of pleasant sounds. -?,, , ... i\ ~, ,,. ;LA ni '.-
g.::., , -2 , /.,; ST. .,. , .*. ,. ..
3 ...
- Cats usually sleep eighteen hours a day.
- The front page of a newspaper contain the most important news of the day.
14. Water freeze at 32OF (O•‹C) and boil at 212•‹F (lOO•‹C).
15. Mrs. Taylor never cross the street in the middle of a block. She always walk to the
corner and use the pedestrian walkway.
- Many parts of the world enjoy four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Each season last three months and bring changes in the weather.
EXERCISE 17. Simple present verbs: using final 41-ES. (Charts 1-4 and 1-5)
Directionc Count aloud around the class to the number 24. Find your number(s) in the
exercise list, and write the words that appear beside it on a slip of paper. Then close your
Walk around the classroom and read your words aloud to classmates. You are looking
for the other half of your sentence.
When you find the person with the other half, combine the information on your two
slips of paper into a sentence. Write the sentence on the chalkboard or on a piece of
paper. Make changes in the verb if necessary.
Exatnple (using item 1 and 8): A star shines in the sky at night.
- astar
- causes air pollution
- stretch when you pull on it
- a hotel
- newspaper ink
- supports a huge variety of marine life
- a bee
- shine in the sky at night
- cause great destruction when it reaches
land - a river
- improves your circulation and general
health - an elephant
- a hurricane
- produce one-fourth of the world's
coffee - oceans
- use in long trunk like a hand to pick
things up - Brazil
- supply its guests with clean towels
- a rubber band
- gather nectar from flowers
- flow downhiill
- stain my hands when I read the paper
- automobiles
- does physical exercise