Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(a) I'm older than my brother (r). In formal English, a subject pronoun (e.g., he) follows
@) I'm older than he is. than, as in @). In everyday, informal spoken English, an
(c) I'm older than him. (informal) object pronoun (e.g., him) often follows than, as in (c)

(d) He works harder than I do. Frequently an auxiliary verb follows the subject after

(el I arrived earlier than zhar did. than. In (d): than I do = than I wk.

(f) Ann's hair is longer than Kate's. A possessive noun (e.g., Kate's) or pronoun (e.g., mine)
r (g) Jack's apartment is smaller than mine. may follow than.

EXERCISE 14. Completing a comparative. (Chart 9-4)
Direcrirms: Complete the sentences. Use pronouns in the completions.

  1. My sister is only six. She's much younger than I AW OR imfmmallv) IM~.

  2. Peggy is thirteen, and she feels sad. She thinks most of the other girls in school are far
    more popular than

  3. The children can't lift that heavy box, but Mr. Ford can. He's stronger than

  4. Jim isn't a very good speller. I can spell much better than

  5. I was on time. Jack was late. I got there earlier than

  6. Ted is out of shape. I can run a lot faster and farther than

  7. Isabel's classes are diEcult, but my classes are easy. Isabel's classes are more ditficult
    than. My classes are easier than

  8. Our neighbor's house is very large. Our house is much smaller than
    . Their house is larger than

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