EXERCISE 36. Making cornparlsons. (Chapter 9) , ,$ ?. , , F :. py.r. :.. a ,,.., ,.. .,. ~ ~ ,. ... .,
Direcrias: Do you have sayings in your language that are similar o or &e s'aeas ttie
following English proverbs?
- Don't count your chickens before -. r~. ,.,. ,> s,. 4
- The early bird gets the worm.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
-" 5. A stitch in time saves nine.
- When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
- Birds of a feather flock together.
- A rolling stone gathers no moss.
EXERCISE 37. Making comparisons. (Chapter 9)
Direceiom: Write a composition based on one of the following topics. d.
' .!. Compare and contmst: .,:... .I .,.
- being single and being mamed. b:,.
- cities you have lived in or have visited.
- diierent schools you have attended.
- your way of lie before and after you became a parent.
- yourself now to yourself ten years ago.
- your country now to your country 100 years ago. ,%
.-;$? 7. life today to life 100 years hrn now.:;.. d,i ,d'..:: , P.rp
:+ : .; 8. two sports.
- the seasons of the year.
- food in two countries.
Comparisons 275