Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 2. Form of the passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2). ..
~irenio& Change the verbs to the passive. Do not change the tense.
, 1 PAST :I,
,~'.<.,~ '.>. BE + PARTXCIPLE

  1. Bob mailed the The package was wailed by Bob.

  2. That company Many people by that company.
    employs many

  3. That company
    has hired Sue.

Sue by that company.

  1. The secretary is The letters by the secretary.
    going to fax the

  2. A college student My old car by a college student.
    bought my old car.

  3. MIS. Adams will The work by MIS. Adams.
    do the work.

  4. MI. Fox washed The windows by Mr. Fox.
    the windows. ,
    i.i!.>.i ma
    EXERCISE 3. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2)
    Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive.
    ' '': ' , 1. Ms. Hopkins invited me to dinner.

-t I was invited to dinner by Ms. Hopkins.

,- *>i 2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.
*ii.~2 3. Water surrounds an island.

  1. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet.

  2. A doctor has examined the sick child.

  3. A large number of people speak Spanish.

  4. Helicopters fascinate children.

  5. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

  6. This news will amaze you.

278 CHAPTER 10

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