Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

EXERCISE 4. Actlve vs. passive: question forms. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2)
Directions: Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have the same meaning

\ and tense.

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  1. (a) The news surprised John. 10h w& sw~vised by the news.
    (b) Did the news surprise you? Urve vok S~PV~SPA by the news?

  2. (a) The news surprises Erin. by the news.
    (b) Does the news surprise you? by the news?

  3. (a) The news will shock Steve. by the news.
    @) Will the news shock Pat? by the news?

  4. (a) Liz signed the petition. by Liz.
    (b) Did Ryan sign it? by Ryan?
    en hlmxic We, bulldlng. thl undmslonad, WI bii~ bliw that It ahwld that the not hw- be n danmyed^3206 Tm in ---x Stm to if
    build a fn.fwd rpuunnt at the l&n.

  5. (a) Bob has signed the petition.^1 I/ by Bob.
    (b) Has Jim signed it yet? by Jim yet?

  6. (a) Sue is going to sign it. by Sue.
    (b) Is Carol going to sign it? by Carol?

EXERCISE 5. Actlve vs. passlve. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2)
Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive...

  1. A thief stole Ann's purse. + Ann's purse was smkn by a thief. , , ~; ;<*fX.,'' \,,, , ,, ,, , : .! , .,!

  2. Did a cat kill the bird?. ' ,.,..!
    .~. ,,! .-:'?'...

  3. My cat didn't kill the bird. , ' ,;,!':.,. ,~< '
    .., ,..

  4. Do a large number of people speak French? : , ..-.,L, ..., r.;

  5. Is the janitor going to fix the window?

  6. Will a maid clean our hotel room?
    ,, ., ..,>. ,,: .,., , ' /I I'

  7. Does the hotel provide clean towels? ... .,

  8. Sometimes my inability to understand spoken English frustrates me.

The Posslve 279
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