Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1-6 Non-action verbs

. ~...~. .. ~~... ~... ~. I
INCORRECT: I am knowing Ms. Chen.
(b) I'm hungry. I want a sandwich.
INCORRECT: I am wanting a sandwich.
(c) This book belaps to Mikhail.
INCORRECT: This book ir belomirp w Mikhail.

S~ms vuur us uvr uvsu ux ~IU~LS~IYS LSU~S~. ILKIF
verbs are called "non-action verbs." They express a
situation that exists, not an action in progress.

hear believe be
see thinkt exist
sound undcrsrand

m need like fmget
hamt want he remember
possess mfe hate

(d) I think that grammar is easy.
(e) I am thinking about grammar right now.
(f) Tom has a car.
(g) I'm having a good time.

Think and have can be used in the progressive.
In (d):When think means "believe," it is nonprogressive.
In (e): When think expresses thoughts that are
going through a person's mind, it can be progressive.
In (f):When haw means "own" or expresses
possession, it is not used in the progressive.
(g): In expressions where hak does not mean
"own* (e.g., have a good rime, have a bad rime, have
trouble, have a ploblern, have company, have an
opera&), haw can be used in the progressive. I
*Nan-ncdon verbs are also called "stative vubs" or "nonpmgrcssive verbs?'

EXERCISE 19. Progressive verbs vs. non-actlon verbs. (Chart 1-6)
Direcrions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple present
or the present progressive.

  1. Right now I (look) aw \oohs at the board. I (see)
    some words on the board.

  2. A: (you, need) some help, Mrs. Brown?
    (you, want) me to carry that box for you?
    B: Yes, thank you. That's very kind of you.

  3. A. Who is that man? I (think) that I (know)
    him, but I Cforget) his name.
    !. , B: That's Mr. Martinez.
    .tI,. A: That's right! I (remember) hi now.

  4. A: (you, believe) in flying saucers?
    B: What (you, talk) about?
    A: You know, spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard.
    ).- 'B: In my opinion, flying saucers (exist) only in people's
    Present nme 17

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