EXERCISE 23. Participial adjectives. (Charts 10-7 and 10-8)
DimFMm: Complete the sentences with an -ed or -ing adjective and the boldface noun.
- If you spoil children, they become spoileA ckilAve~.
- If a door rewolpws, it is called a VP\IO\V~W~ door,
- If someone steals a car, it is a
- If people crowd into a mom, it is a
- If costs nie, they are
- If a danger exists, it is an
- If you dry hit, it becomes
- If you plan an event, it is called a
- If a committee plans something, it is called a
- If water is boiling, we call it
- If a person is mirsing, we call him or her a
- If you vegetables, they are called
- If the weatherfreeses things, it is called
- If you break your pencil, you have a
GET + ADJECTNE Get can be followed by an adjective. Get gives the idea
(a) 1 am getting hungry. Let's eat. of change-rhe idea of becoming, beginning to be,
(b) Eric got nervous before the job interview. In mowing (a): I'm to getting be. hungry. = I wasn't hungry before, bur
MW -- I'm bem'nninz to be hmm.
GBT + PAST PARIICIPLB Sometimes get is followed by a past participle. The past
(c) Ism getting tirPd L& stop working. participle after get is like an adjective; it describes the
I-- (dl -- Steve and Rit. pot m'od last month. subject of the sentence.
get angry get dry
get bdd getfat
get big gel w
get busy get hot
get close get hungry
get cold get inmestud
get dark get tars
Pdiny get nerww
ser dw get old
get quiet
get rich
get se*MtlS
gcr sick
get sleepy
gel thirsty
get well
get wt
get acquainted get drunk
get arrested get engaged
get bored ger excited
get confused get finished
ger crowded get frighnned
get diwxed get hurt
get done get inmsted
get dwsed get invited
get involsd
get killed
get lost
get married
gst scared
get sunburned
get tired
get umrried