EXERCISE 24. GET + adjectlve/past partlclple. (Chart 10-9)
Directions: Complete the sentences. Use each word in the list only one time.
- In winter, the weather gets cold
- In summer, the weather gets
- This food is delicious, but I can't eat any more. I'm getting
- 1 think I'll go to bed. I'm getting .I(
- Let's stop working and take a break. I'm getting
- Sam is wearing one brown sock and one blue sock today. He got
...IK,+F, -, m a hurry this morning and didn't pay attention to the color of his socks.
,,, , 7. This work has to be done before we leave. We'd better get and
stop wasting time.
55v3 8. 1 didn't understand Jane's directions very well, so on the way to her house last night I
got. I couldn't find her house.
,.;y , ,
- It's hard to work in a garage and stay clean. Paul's clothes always get
from all the grease and oil.
,> .T! 10. Don't waste your money gambling. You won't ever get^1. i !if h'i 6. that way.
- Mr. Anderson is losing some of his hair. He's getting
- Was it a bad accident? Did anyone get
- Calm down! Take it easy! You shouldn't
1 m-j get so. It's not
good for your blood pressure.
- When I turned around and around in a
The Passive 501