Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. I don't feel very good. I think I'm getting. Maybe I should see
    a doctor. ,. ;; ; : ' i .I

  2. My friends got at the party Saturday night, so I drove them
    home in my car. They were in no condition to drive. , ,?,' ,

EXERCISE 25. GET + adjective/past partlclple. (Chart 10-9)
Directions: Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of get and the words in the list.

thirsty : i
' .II .,-..
Jsunburn , ,,. .! ,;.!! '

  1. When I stayed out in the sun too long yesterday, I 96t skhbknted

  2. If you're sick, stay home and take care of yourself. You won't
    if you don't take care of yourself.
    ; 3. Jane and Greg are engaged. They are going to a year
    hm now.

    1. Sarah doesn't eat breakfast, so she always by ten or
      ten-thirty. ,... ,
      ; jrbin 5. In the winter, the sun sets early. It.

outside by six or even

  1. Put these socks back in the dryer. They didn't the
    first time.. ~ , -

  2. Let's stop working for a while. I'm. I need to rest.
    mu ir:.r/ 8. Sue has to vacate her apartment next week, and she hasn't found a new place to live.

,>. 9. Sitara always after she eats salty food.. YI : ,
5. ,% 0. Toshiro was in a temble car wreck and almost. He's lucky
t~ : alive. &i .$p,++; L.r "I ,..,. I lll,l I I .... ,
, Y I ,, \ W,!!? ,i. :!^1 r. I
1 1. The temperature is dropping. Brrr! I'm. Can I
/ .- borrow your sweater? .,., i.<d?q

  1. We were in a strange city without a map. It was easy for us to
    We had to ask a shopkeeper how to get back to our hotel.

  2. Did you when your team won the game? Did you
    clap and yell when they won?

302 CHAPTER 10

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