Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 19. THE vs. AIAN. (Chart 11-8)
Directions: Here are some conversations. Try to decide whether the speakers would
probably use the or dun. Are the speakers thinking about the same objects or persons?

  1. A: Did you have a good time at & party last night?
    B: Yes.
    A: So did I. I'm glad that you decided to go with me.

  2. A: What did you do last night?
    B: I went to party.
    A: Oh? Where was it?

  3. A: Do you have - car?
    B: No. But I have - bicycle.

  4. A: Do you need - car today, honey?
    B: Yes. I have a lot of errands to do. Why don't I drive you to work today?
    A: Okay. But be sure to iil1 - car up with gas sometime today.

  5. A: I bought - table yesterday.
    B: Oh? I didn't how you went shopping for furniture.

  6. A: Have you seen my keys?
    B: Yes. They're on - table next to - front door.

  7. A: Is Mr. Jones - graduate student?
    B: No. He's - professor.

  8. A: Where's - professor?
    B: She's absent today.
    : 9. A: Would you like to go to - zoo this afternoon?
    B: Sure. Why not? ;.:

  9. A: Does San Diego have - zoo?
    B: Yes. It's world famous.

  10. A: Let's listen to - radio.
    B: Okay. I'll turn it on.

  11. A: Does your car have - radio?
    B: Yes, and - CD player.

330 CHAPTER 11

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