- 'ho hundred years ago, people on ships and in coastal towns greatly feared the pirates
who sailed the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. - The earth receives less than one-billionth of the enormous amount of heat the sun
produces. The rest of the sun's energy disappears into outer space.
Piranhas are dangerous fish that can tear the flesh off an animal as large as a horse in a
few minutes.
The heart of education is in a culture's literature. People who read gain not only
knowledge but also pleasure. A person who does not read is no better off than a
person who cannot read.
Cedar waxwings are gray-brown birds that live in most
parts of North America. If you see a crested bird that
is a little larger than a sparrow and has a band of yellow
across the end of its tail, it may be a cedar waxwing.
EXERCISE 13. Review: adjective clauses. (Charts 12-1 - 12-4)
Direcriom: Answer the questions in complete sentences. Use any appropriate pattern of
adjective clause. Use the with the noun that is modified by the adjective clause.
1.. One phone wasn't ringing.
The other phone was ringing.
QvEsnoN: Which phone did Sam answer?
+ Sam answered fhe phone that evas ringing.
QUBSTION: 1a->1 Which I phone didn't he answer? 4 ,-y,! >, j!: :> .:
>.;:!!,.. _. -t He didn't answer the phone that wasn't ringing. 1: ) :.: -. , *.:
. We ate some food from our garden. ,. , , .., , ,:i '..
. We ate some food at a restaurant.
QUESTION: Which food was expensive? ... ;. ..,,' .,i
-+ Thefwdweau....
QuEsnoN: Which food wasn't expensive?
One student raised her hand in class. .: I 'UO , '
Another student sat quietly in his seat. r/..l ,,
QUESTIONS: One of them asked the teacher a question. Which one?
Which one didn't ask the teacher a question?
352 CHAPTER 12