Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 16. Prepositions in adjective clauses. (Chart 12-6)
~&echns: Add an appropriate preposition to each sentence.* Draw parentheses around
the adjective clause.

  1. I spoke t6 a person. The person (I spoke ta ) was friendly.

  2. We went a movie. The movie we went was very good.
    3.. We stayed a motel. The motel we stayed was clean
    and comfortable.

  3. We listened a new CD. I enjoyed the new CD we listened

  4. Sally was waiting a person. The person Sally was waiting
    never came.

  5. I talked a man. The man whom I talked was helpful.

  6. I never found the book that I was looking

  7. The bank I borrowed money charges high interest on its loans.

  8. The news article we talked in class concerned a peace conference.

  9. One of the subjects I've been interested for a long time is global

  10. The interviewer wanted to how the name of the college I had graduated

  11. Oscar likes the Canadian family whom he is living.

  12. The man I was staring started to stare back at me.

  13. Organic chemistry is a subject that I'm not familiar

  14. My sister and I have the same ideas about almost everything. She is the one person
    whom I almost always agree.

  15. The person whom you speak at the airline counter will ask to see your
    passport and ticket.

  16. What's the name of the person you introduced me at the restaurant
    last night? I've already forgotten.

  17. My father is someone I've always been able to depend when I need
    advice or help.

  18. Look. The sailor you waved is walking toward us. Now what are you
    going to say?

  19. Your building supervisor is the person whom you should complain if
    you have any problems with your apartment.
    *See Appendix 2, p. 463, for a list of prepwition combinarions.

386 CHAPTER 12

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