Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 17. Review: adjective clauses. (Charts 12-1 - 12-6)
Directions: Work in pairs.
Speaker A: Read the cue aloud to your partner.
Speaker B: Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.
Practice omitting the object pronoun (whom, which, that). Look at your book
only if necessary.
Speaker A: If Speaker B's information is correct, respond with "yes" and repeat the
SPEAKER A: The taxi was expensive. I took it to the airport.
SPEAKER B: The taxi you took to the airport was expensive.
SPEAKER A: Yes. The taxi I took to the airport was expensive.

  1. The plane leaves at 7:08 P.M. I'm taking it to Denver.

  2. The university is in NewYork. I want to go to it.
    '.. ;! 3. I met the people. You told me about them.

, :. 4. The bananas were too ripe. My husbandwife bought them.

  1. The shirdblouse is made of cotton. The teacher is wearing it.
    ..,.,.; 6. The market has fresh vegetables. I usually go to it.
    , Switch roles.

  2. 1 couldn't understand the woman. I talked to her on the phone.

  3. The scrambled eggs were cold. I had them for breakfast at the cafeteria,

  4. I had a good time on the trip. I took it to Hawaii.

  5. The doctor prescribed some medicine for my sore throat. I went to him yesterday.

  6. The cream was spoiled. I put it in my coffee.

  7. The fast-forward button on the tape recorder doesn't work. I bought it last month.

  8. I'm going to call about the want ad. I saw it in last night's paper.

EXERCISE 18. Review: adjective clauses. (Charts 12-1 -t 12-6)

Directions: Underline the adjective clauses in the following passages. Circle the nouns that
the adjective clauses modify.
, ,

  1. Frogs are small, tailless -.

  2. Flowers that bloom year after year are called perennials. Flowers that bloom only one
    season are called annuals.

  3. Flamingos are large pink birds that have long legs and curved bills.

  4. A fossil is the remains of an animal or plant that lived in the past.

Adjective Clauses 357
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