Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(a) The man called the police. His car was stolen.

  • whose car
    I @) The man whose ca+ was stolen called the police,


12-7 Using whose in adjective clauses


1 c 1 ow a girl is a movie star.
1 dose -er 1
(d) I know a girl whose brother is a movie star. -
(e) The people were kiendly. We bought
whose house
(f) The people whose house we bought were friendly.

wmse- snows possession.
In (a): His car can be changed to whose car
to make an adjective clause.
In @): whose car was stolen = an adjective
In (c): Her bwther can be changed to whose
brother to make an adjective clause.

In (e): Thkr house can be changed to whose
house to make an adjective clause.

'Whose and A's have the same pronunciation but NOT the same meaning.
Who's = who ir.. Who's (Who is) your teacher)

EXERCISE 19. WHOSE In adjective clauses. (Chart 12-7)
Direceions: Combine the two sentences into one sentence. Make "b" an adjective clause.
Use whose.
SmAnoN: You and your friend are at a party. You are telling your friend about the
people at the party.

  1. a. There is the man. b. His car was stolen.

+ There is the man whose car was stolen.

  1. a. There is the woman. b. Her cat died.

  2. a. Over there is the man. b. His daughter is in my English class.

  3. a. Over there is the woman. b. You met her husband yesterday.

  4. a. There is the professor. b. I'm taking her course.

  5. a. That is the man. b. His daughter is an astronaut.

Adlectlve Clauses 359
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