Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A: A magazine I read at the doctor's office had an
    article you ought to read. It's about the
    importance of exercise in dealing with stress.
    B: Why do you thiik I should read an article deals
    with exercise and stress?
    A: If you stop and think for a minute, you can answer that question yourself. You're
    under a lot of stress, and you don't get any exercise.
    B: The stress I have at work doesn't bother me. It's
    just a normal part of my job. And I don't have time to exercise.
    A: Well, you should make time. Anyone job is as
    stressful as yours should make physical exercise part of their daily routine.

EXERCISE 22. Written: adjectlve clauses. (Chapter 12)
Directions: Imagine that you are in a room full of people. You know everyone who is there.
I (your reader) know no one. Tell me who these people are. Write your description of
these people. Practice using adjective clauses.
Begin your composition with: I'm glad you came to the party. Let me tell you about the
people who are here. The woman who....

EXERCISE 23. Review: adjectlve clauses. (Chapter 12)
Directions: Work in pairs, in groups, or as a class.
Speaker A: Write the main sentence on the board or on a piece of paper for Speaker B to
refer to. Give the cue.
Speaker B: Use Speaker A's information to add an adjective clause to the main sentence.
MRT I. MAIN SBNTENCB: The man was nice.
SPEAKER A: I met him yesterday.
SPEAKER B: The man (whom/that/8) you met yesterday was nice.

  1. He helped me yesterday.

  2. I spoke to him on the phone.

  3. I called him.

  4. He answered the phone.

  5. I introduced you to hi.

  6. I had dinner with him last week.

  7. He opened the door for me.

  8. 1 told you about him.

362 CHAPTER 12

  1. (... ) went to a movie with him last night.

  2. He gave me diredons to the post office.

  3. (.. .)roomedwithhim.

  4. He visited our class yesterday.

  5. We visited his house.

  6. He helped us at the hardware store.

  7. I borrowed his pen.

  8. I met him at the party last night.

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