(3) In addition to love, children need physical care. Babies are completely dependent
upon adults for food, shelter, and safety. Children who are denied such basics in their
early lives may suffer chronic health problems and feelings of insecurity throughout their
lifetimes. One of the greatest responsibilities that parents have is to
provide for the physical well-being of their children.
(4) Children's education is also the responsibility of the
parents. Girls and boys must learn to speak, dress themselves, eat
properly, and get along with others. They must learn not to touch
fire, to look carefully before they cross the saeet, and not to use
violence to solve problems. The lessons that parents teach their children are numerous. As
children get older and enter school, teachers join parents in providing the education that
young people need in order to become independent, productive members of society.
EXERCISE 26. Adjective clauses. (Chapter 12)
Directions: Underline the adjective clause and complete each sentence with your own
- One of the things I like best is* hot a~d spicy Food.
- One of the places I want to visit someday
- One of the people I admire most in the world
- Some of the cities I would like to visit ave*
- Some of the places I hope to visit someday
- One of the cities I would like to visit while I'm in this country
- One of the programs my roommate likes to watch on TV
- One of the subjects I would like to know more about
- Some of the things I like most in life
- One of the best books I've ever read
- One of the hardest classes I've ever taken
- One of the most fascinating people I've ever met
*One of the +plum1 noun (+ odjectiw dowe) + dngular wrb.
SOW of h + phd MM (+ OdkZdCW C~YIA) + fl~lvrd 4.
Adjective Clauses 365