Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
L ,' 10. She quickly opened the car windows and swaned at the bees while she was talking to
Rob on the phone.

  1. Her hands lefr the steering wheel, and she lost control of the car. Her car run into a
    row of mailboxes beside the road and swpped.

  2. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident.

  3. Jennifer is okay, but her car isn't. It nee& repairs.
    14. When Jennifer got to work this morning, she talked to her own automobile insurance
    15. That was easy to do because he works at the desk right next to hers.
    I I,


downtown yestemhay. The simple past is used to talk about activities or
I$) I &it for eight hours larr night. situations yertmday, last that nighr, began and tcuo days ended ago, in in 1999). the past (e.g.,
(c) Bob stayed home yesterday morning. Most simple past verbs are formed by adding -ed to a
(d) Our plane adbed on time last night. verb, as in (a), (c), and (d).
(e) I a& breakfast this morning. Some verbs have irregular past forms, as in @), (e), and
Cf) Sue took a taxi to the airport yesterday. (f). See Chart 2-7, p. 33.
(g) I waa busy yesterday. The simple past forms of be are was and wow.
(h) They wore at home last night.
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