- The people who was waiting in line for tickets to the game they were happy and
excited because their team had made it to the championship series. ...
~AEKC~I~E 29. Adjective clauses. (Chapter 12) ,
Directions: Discuss one or more of the following topics in groups or as a class. Practice
':.?<, -':;q using adjective clauses in your sentences as much as possible (but not every sentence
.. m ,. 1.'. '+ needs to have an adjective clause).
SPEAKER A: What are the qualities of a friend?
SPEAKER B: A friend is someone you can depend on in times of wuble.
SPEAKER C: A friend is a person who accepts you as you are.
SPEAKER D: Friends don't talk about you behind your back.
SPEAKER E: I agree. A friend is someone you can trust with secrets.
- What is your idea of the ideal roommate?
(Suggested beginning: An ideal roommate is someone who.... - What kind of people make good leaders?
I?, .kc<' .. .,. ~L. , ..,. -. (Good leaders are people who.... ) :: ,.
' , 1 '*; ".,. 3: What are the qualities of a good neighbor?^41. "'
,' <.:$&
(A pod neighbor ti a person who.... ) - What kind of people make good parents?
(People who.... )
5. What is your idea of the ideal classroom?
(Students need a classroom that.... )
6. What are the qualities of a good boss and a bad boss?
(A good boss ti someone who... , but a bad boss.... )
EXERCISE 30. Adjective clauses. (Chapter 12)
Direchns: Write a few sentences on one (or more) of the topics in Exercise 29 andlor the
following topics. Practice using adjective clauses in some of your sentences.
Addirional topiw:
- The qualities of the ideal wifehusband.
- The qualities of the ideal apartment.
- The qualities of a good student.
- The qualities of a good teacher.
- The qualities of a good novel.
Adjective Clauses 367