Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A: Are you a procrastinator?
    B: A what?
    A: A procrastinator. That's someone who always postpones

B: Oh. Well, sometimes I put off

  1. A: What are you doing?
    B: I'm helping Teddy with his homework.
    A: When you finish , could you help me in the
    B: Sure.

  2. A: Could you please stop doing that?
    B: Doing what?
    A: Stop. It's driving me crazy!

  3. A: Do you have any plans for this weekend?
    B: Henry and I talked about

  4. A: I didn't understand what you said. Would you mind
    B: Of course not. I said, "Three free trees."

EXERCISE 3. Verb + gerund. (Chart 13-1)
Directions: Complete the sentences in Column A by using a verb from Column B and your
own words. Use the verbs in Column B only once.
Example: I often postpone + write

+ I often postpone writing thank you nores, and then I hawe to apologize for sending

them late.
Column A

  1. I often postpone....

  2. 1 enjoy....

  3. I'm considering....

  4. Would you mind....

  5. I finished....

  6. I'll never stop....

  7. Do you ever think about....

  8. You should keep....

  9. Sometimes I put off....

Column B
buy listen
close love
do make
eat open
exercise play
finish take


Gerunds and lnflnltlves 371
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