Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Ellen started (talk) to talk / takk about her problem.

  2. Bud and Sally have decided (get) married.

  3. We finished (eat) around seven.

  4. I like (meet) new people.

  5. My roommate offered (help) me with my English.

  6. I'd just begun (warch) a movie on TV when the phone rang.

  7. Please stop (crack) your knuckles!

  8. Did you remember Cfeed) the cat this morning?

  9. I won't be late. I promise (be) on time.

  10. I'm considering (mm) to a new apartment.

  11. Some children hate (go) to school.

  12. I forgot (lock) the door when I left my apartment this

  13. I don't mind (live) with four roommates.

  14. Shhh. My roommate is trying (take) a nap.

  15. My boss refused (give) me a raise, so I quit.

  16. The company will continue Fire) new employees as long as
    new production orders keep (come) in.

  17. That's not what I meant! I meant (say) just the opposite.

  18. I want (go) (shop) this
    2 1. Alex seems (want) (go) (sail)
    this weekend.

  19. My wife can't stand (sleep) in a room with all of the
    windows closed.

  20. Sam's tomato crop always failed. Finally he quit (wy)
    (gmw) tomatoes in his garden.

  21. I enjoy (be) a teacher.


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