Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. I enjoy (get) up early in the morning, (wareh)
    the sunrise, and (Zisten) to the

  2. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are thinking about (sell) their old
    house and (buy) a new one.

  3. Kathy plans (mm) to NewYork City, @nd)
    a job, and (start) a new life.
    1 1. Have you finished (paint) your apartment yet?

  4. Steve needs (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow and (buy)
    winter clothes.

  5. Do you enjoy (go) to an expensive restaurant and (have)
    a gourmet dinner?

  6. Most nonsmokers can't stand (be) in a smoke-illled room.

  7. Let's postpone (go) abroad until the political situation improves.

  8. The children promised (st@) (make) SO
    much noise.

  9. Kevin is thinking about (quit) his job and (gg)
    back to school.

  10. Linda plans (leaw) for Chicago onTuesday and (recur)
    on Friday.

  11. I often put off (wash) the diier dishes until the next

  12. Don't forget (unplug) the coffee pot, (am off)
    all the lights, and (lock) the door
    before you leave for work this morning.

  13. Sometimes when I'm listening to someone who is speaking English very fast, I nod my
    head and pretend (understand)

  14. After Isabel got a speeding ticket and had to pay a big fine, she decided (stop)
    (driw) over the speed limit on
    interstate highways.

  15. I've been trying (reach) Carol on the phone for the last
    three days, but she is never at home. I intend (keep) (W)
    until I finally get her.

878 CHAPTER 13

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