Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 3. Present and past time: statements and negatives.

(Chapter 1 and Charts 2-1 + 2-3)

Directions: Correct the inaccurate statements by using negative then fimative sentences.
Some verbs are past, and some are present. Work as a class (with the teacher as Speaker
A) or in pairs. Only Speaker A's book is open...
Example: (... )* left the classroom ten minutes ago.
SPEAKER A (book open): Rosa left the classroom ten minutes ago.
SPBAKER B (book closed): No, that's not true. Rosa didn't leave the classroom.
Rosa is still here. She's sitting next to Kim.

  1. You got up at 4:30 this morning. ,.

  2. (... ) is standing in the comer of the classroom.

  3. (... ) stands in a comer of the classroom during class each day. ,

  4. (... ) stood in a corner during class yesterday.

  5. This book has a green cover.

  6. Shakespeare wrote novels.

  7. A river flows bm the bottom of a valley to the top of a mountain.

  8. We cook food in a reffigerator.
    (Switch mks ifworking in pairs.1,lit;p , .,

  9. (... ) taught this class yr lay.

10. Butterflies have ten leas. -

, * 11. 12. This (... morning, ) takes a helicopter you drove to to get school to school in a (name every of day. a kind of car).

  1. You speak (French and Arabic). ~1.. : :

  2. This room has (supply an incowect number) windows. ,; & ,
    . ~ 15. (... ) and you studied together at the library last night. --
    'L.! , ,, ,.
    JjlilC 16. (... ) went to (an impossible place) yesterday. , ,:, - 8
    t .: '-
    EXERCISE 4. Present and past tlme: statements and negatives. :. ,..
    (Chapter 1, Charts 2-1 - 2-3)
    Directions: Work in pairs.
    Speaker A: Your book is open. Complete each sentence to make an INACCURATE
    Speaker B: Your book is closed. Correct Speaker A's statement, fust by using a negative
    sentence and then by giving correct information.
    Example:... hasihave tails. .. .-y-,ini-,fi r;.:::.):..?:
    SPEAKER A (book open): People have tails.
    ,I SPEAWR B (book closed): No, people don't have tails. Dogs have tails. Cats have tails.
    Biis have tails. But people don't have tails.
    1.... islare blue.

  3. You ate... for breakfast this morning.

*T%e symbol (... ) means "supply the name of a person."

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