Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


TOO f ADJECm f (FOR SOMEONE) f hfinitives okten follow expressions w~th
I A piano is too heavy to lijt. too. Too comes in front of an adjective.
(b) That box is too heaty for me to hji. In implies the speaker's a negative mind, result. the use of too
(c) That box is too heazy for Bob to 183. , COMPARE
I _..- __.. I _.-__. L ____ I The bm is roo heauv. I can't lift it.

Infinitives often follow expressions
ADJECTN6 + GNOUGH + with enough.
Enough comes in front of a noun.*
(f) Jimmy isn't old enough to go to school. Enough follows an adjective.
1 (g) Are you hungty enough to eat three sandwiches?
*Snargh can also follow a noun: I &n't hovs monqy enough to bq har ear. In everyday English, however, enough usually
comes in front of s noun.

CI EXERCISE 32. TOO and ENOUGH + infinitive. (Chart 13-10)
Direcn'mu: Combine the sentences.
PART I. Use too.

  1. We can't go swimming today. It's very cold.

+ It's cold lfor us) to go swimming today.

  1. I couldn't finish my homework last night. I was very sleepy.

  2. This jacket is very small. I can't wear it.

  3. Mike couldn't go to his aunt's housewarming party. He was very busy.

  4. I live far from school. I can't walk there.

  5. Some movies are very violent. Children shouldn't watch them.
    PART 11. Use enough.

  6. I can't reach the top shelf. I'm not that tall.
    -+ I'm not tall enough to reach the 9 shelf.
    fib. 8. 1 can't lift a horse. I'm not that strong.

  7. It's not warm today. We can't go outside in shorts and sandals.

  8. 1 didn't stay home and miss work. I wasn't really sick, but I didn't feel good all day.

EXERCISE 33. TOO and ENOUGH + Inflnltive. (Chart 13-10)
Directions: Complete the sentences by choosing from the words in italics. Use too or
enough + an infinitive.

  1. smnghift I'm not a refrigerator.

  2. weaklli3 Most people are tOo weak tO \i& a refrigerator without help.

  3. busylannver I was the phone. I let it
    keep ringing until the caller gave up.

  4. earlylget We got to the concert good seats.

394 CHAPTER 13
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