Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 35. TOO and ENOUGH + Inflnltlve. (Chart 13-10)
Diiections: Complete the following sentences. Use infinitives in the completions.

  1. I'm too short
    .. 2. I'm not tall enough....

.+'~! 3. I'm not suong enough....

.. I? 4. Last night I was too tired....
.. .-i' ~.& 'h 5. Yesterday I was too busy....
6. A Mercedes-Benz is too expensive....
7. I don't have enough money....
8. Yesterday I didn't have enough time....
9. A teenager is old enough.... but too young.... .&! '' .. .% 5
10. 1 how enough English.... but not enough..... ~ .;.. : .$ ,?. ,,, , .. I

I. h :. ..,, m -9

EXERCISE 36. Review: gerunds vs. Inflnltives. (Chapter 0)
Directions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses: gerund or intinitive.

  1. It's difficult for me (remember) tb vew ' v phone numbers.

  2. My cat is good at (catch) mice.

  3. I bought a newspaper (look) at the ads for apartments for rent.
    2~ 4. Tourists like (go) (swim) in the warm
    \ !.'I
    ocean in Hawaii.

5. 1 called my friend (im'te) her for dinner. ,~ y: j7sh

  1. Wary talked about (go) to graduate school.

llJFJ 7. '. Ssrosh found out what was happening \ s,&lr.:: by (Ziscen) ,. :: LliiIP, .- carefully
to everything that was said. ,2t$l~l<~3fl

  1. Children, stop (draw) pictures on the tablecloth!

  2. Professor Amani has a strong accent. It is difEcult for his students (understand)
    him. He needs (improve)

" '(%is pronunciation if he wants (be) a good lecturer. (lecture)

requires good communication MIS.

  1. A: Hi! I'm home!
    B: Welcome back. Did you have a good trip?
    A: Yes, thanks. How's everything? How are my goldfish? I hope you didn't forget
    Yl ihf rir

Ifeed) them. , -,. 1.

B: Oh, my gosh1

396 CHAPTER 13 HYW a;!

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