Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Dan's goldfish died when he was away on a trip because his roommate forgot ifeed)
    them. Dan is considering (ger) a new

  2. My friend Akihiko has goldfish in a pond in his garden. He enjoys geed)
    1 ,', them one by one with chopsticks.
    1 13. MichelleYinYi KO works sixteen hours a day (earn) ,.:.: I. .,..
    enough money (take) care of her elderly parents and her

children.. ' :<i ..'-J,,- c L,, ., i 11:. ,'I:

tizm 14. It takes care, patience, and a little luck (rake) a really good
in03 d~photograph of wildlife. 11 E. L.. , .I.i

  1. No matter how wonderful a nip is, it's always good (ger) back
    home and (sleep) in one's own bed.

    1. A: Quit (stare) at the phone. Greg isn't going to call.
      . - ' B: I keep (think) - the phone will ring any second.

A: I don't mean (be) , unsympathetic, .-.*. .-, -.--.-. but I think .- you'd .-. better .- - forget -
about Greg. It's over. ~.t:.ns wf~ 1Y>7.!'1. ,.!. ..: w,<*,:,.;..:(.i.

  1. It's important to your health for you (work) at a job you like. If
    you hate (go) to your job, you should seriously thii about
    flook) for a different kind of job. The stress of (do)
    work you hate day in and day out can damage your health.

  2. (ask) others about themselves and their lives is one of the
    secrets of (get) along with other people. It you want
    (make) and (keep) friends, it is
    important (be) sincerely interested in other people's lives.

  3. I keep Uorget) (c@ my friend
    Louise. I'd better write myself a note.

  4. I like (navel) to out-of-the-way places. I don't like (go)
    to usual tourist places when I'm on holiday.

  5. Large bee colonies have 80,000 workers. These worker bees must visit fif*r million
    flowers (make) one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of honey. It's no

wonder that "busy as a bee" is a common expression. ... lx, i'na tmii ,.I

Gerunds and lnfinltlves 997
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