Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Exercise is good for you. Why don't you walk up the stairs instead of (take)
    the elevator?

  2. Stop (crack) those nuts with your teeth! Here. Use a
    nutcracker. Do you want (be) toothless by the time you're thirty?

  3. Different cultures have different gestures. When North Americans meet someone, they
    usually offer a strong handshake and look the other person straight in the eye. In
    some countries, however, it is impolite (shake) hands
    firmly, and (look) a person in the eye is equally rude.

  4. How close do you stand to another person when you are speaking? North Americans
    prefer (stand) just a little less than an arm's length from
    someone. Many people in the Middle East and Latin America like (mowe)
    in closer than that during a conversation.

  5. (smile) at another person is a universal, cross-cultural
    gesture. Everyone throughout the world understands the meaning of a smile.

Fus?CISE 37. Error analysis. (Chapter 13)
Direcrdons: Correct the errors.

  1. Do you enjoy w+ge 34% to the zoo?

  2. I went to the store for getting some toothpaste.

  3. Did you go to shopping yesterday?

  4. I usually go to the cafeteria for to get a cup of coffee in the morning.

  5. Bob needed to went downtown yesterday.

  6. I cut the rope by a knife.

  7. 1 thanked him for drive me to the airport.

  8. Is difficult to learn a second language.

  9. It is important getting an education.

  10. Timmy isn't enough old too get married.

398 CHAPTER 13. ,..;= 1

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