Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 3. Information questlons and noun clauses. (Charts 5-2 and 14-2)
Direcrimzs: Ask and answer questions. Only the leader's book is open. Work as a class or in
Speaker A: Ask a question, using the cue.
Speaker B: Answer the question, beginning with either 'Y don? know.. ." OR "I think.. ."
followed by a noun clause.
Example: Ask (... ) where (... ) lives.. ..
:,:,:.&.. LEADER to A: Marco, ask Ingrid where Mustafa lives. ,. P:
SPEAKER A: Ingrid, where does Mustafa live?
SPEAKER B: I don't how where ~ustafa lives. OR I think that Mustafa lives in Reed

  1. Ask (... ) where (... ) ate breakfast this morning. .'. ~.. , ,. :

  2. Ask (... ) what (... )'s favorite color is. , .!; ;!

  3. Ask (... ) when (... ) got up this morning.

  4. Ask (... ) why (... ) isn't sitting in hisher usual seat today. *> .ii t'.. ..,

  5. Ask (... ) how (... ) got to class today. , .. i: .. F~.. , ,:,7 :.,

  6. Ask (... ) what kind of watch (... ) has.

  7. Ask (... ) why (... ) didn't come to class yesterday. ' 'b^7 .'

  8. Ask (... ) where (... ) went after class yesterday. , , , :::

  9. lnformatlon questlons and noun clauses. (Charts 5-$'and 14-2)
    !crions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses.

1. A: Where (Susan, eat) Aid Swab eat lunch yesterday? , 2

I don't know where (she, eat) she a+e lunch yesterday.
A: Do you know where (Jason, work)?
B: Who?
A: Jason. Where (he, work) - 7

B: Yes. How can I help you?
-- .. A: How much (that camem, cost)?
B: You want to know how much (this camera, wst)
is that right? ; : ,fj
A: No, not that one. The one next to it.
..:::,,A ,!

  1. A: How far (you, can run) without stopping?

B: I have no idea. I don't know how far (I, can run) , ..j

without stopping. I've never tried. ,.., ,:i.: ~;#,,,k,it, ,,:.I.:!< ,J! :A .i,
:. :,. , 1'; I :H

406 CHAPTER 14

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