Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A: Where (you, see) the ad for the computer sale last week?

B: I don't remember where (I, see) it. One of the local

papers, I think.

  1. A: Ann was out late last night, wasn't she? When 'he,get) in?
    B: Why do you want to how what time (she, get) home?
    A: Just curious.

  2. A: What time (it, is)?
    B: I don't how. I'll ask Sara. Sara, do you how what time (it, is)?
    C: Almost four-thirty.

  3. A: (who, invent) the first refrigerator?
    B: I don't know (who, invent) the first refrigerator.
    Do you?

  4. A: Mom, why (some people, be) cruel to other people?
    B: Honey, I don't really understand why (some pwple, be)
    cruel to others. It's difficult to explain.

  5. A: I don't care about the future. All I care about is today.
    B: Oh? Well, answer this question for me. Where (you, spend)
    the rest of your lie?
    A: What do you mean?
    B: I mean it's important to pay attention to the future. That's where (you, spend)
    the rest of your life.

14-3 Noun clauses with who. what. whose + be


v S S v
(c) Whose pen@ 'this'? (d) TeU me whose pen'thid w.
S v s V
(e) @ in the office? (f) Tell me lwhd in the om.
S v S v
(g) 1Whosod a on the desk) Q Tell me'whoee pen' a on the desk.

A noun or pronoun that
follows main verb be in a
question comes in front of
be in a noun dause, as in
(b) and (d).

A prepositional phrase (e.g.,
in the o$&e) does not come
clause, as in (f) and (h).

Noun Clauses 407
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