Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ClSE 21. Substltutlng SO for a THAT-clause. (Chart 14-7)
nL!ctionc Restate Speaker B's answers to Speaker A's questions by using a that-clause.

. A: Is Karen going to be home tonight?
B: I think so. -t I think that Karen is going ro be home tonight.
2. A: Are we going to have a test

in arammar - tomorrow?

B: I don't believe so.

  1. A: Do gorillas have tails?
    B: I don't think so.

  2. A: Will Janet be at Omar's wedding?

  3. A: Will Margo be at the conference B: I suppose so.
    in March?
    B: I hope so.

  4. A: Can cats swim?. , ,
    B: I believe so. I 1,

  5. A: Will your flight be canceled because
    of the bad weather in Copenhagen?
    B: I hope not.

EXERCISE 22. Substltutlng SO for a THAT-clause. (Chart 14-7)
, nfilye~ -. Directions: or no if you Answer are the sure. questions Work in by pairs using or think as a class. so or believe so if you are not sure, or
I. 4. --.-.Example:

I ~XAJ ai SPEAKER A @mk open): Does this book have more than 500 pages?
L,.,i ,D! SPEAKER B: (book closed): I think / believe so. OR
,:,rw,',..> z; 1: ,- :l;~ o.,! 1;! I don't think^1 don't believe so. OR
.~,.r,v!d~w : ,,,. :,:! !, Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.
,-*.. ,,-.. 1. Are we going to have a grammar quiz tomorrow? ,,.

  1. Do spiders have noses? ,.h,

  2. Do spiders have eyes? z...l~:. .,

  3. Is there a fire extinguisher in this building?

  4. Is Toronto farther north than NewYork City! , _... .I.. xi .I ~,: :,:..

  5. Does the word "patientn have more than one meaning?. !, , , , i.7 , ,, ,. <-

  6. Don't look at your watch. Is it (supply a time) yet?...! \,..%:.

  7. Is next Tuesday the (supply a dare)? .. ,:,/ ;
    (Switch roles ifding in pairs.)

  8. Does the word "dozen" have more than one meaning?

  9. Is your left foot bigger than your right foot?
    1 1. Do gorillas eat meat?

  10. Is Bangkok farther from the equator than Mexico City?

  11. Can I buy a window fan at (name ofa loadstore)?

  12. Do any English words begin with the letter "x"?

  13. Do you know what a noun clause is?

  14. Is (... ) getting married soon? ,..
    ,. - , ~%,,\

Noun Clauses 419
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