Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. refer

  2. offer

  3. listen

  4. admit

  5. visit

  6. omit

  7. hurry

  8. study

  9. enjoy

  10. reply

  11. stay

  12. buy

  13. tie
    r n a:-

0 EXERCISE 9. -ING and ID forms. (Chart 2-5)
Direcn'ms. Write the -in# and -ed forms of the following verbs.. ,

  • -ING -ED

  1. lift -- li#+kq - 1iFted

  2. promise

  3. slap

:,!1 rl 4. wipe
1' ' 5. carry
&I..*!. 6. cry
'1 7. pray
-. 8. smile.

. ~~~.~
,', ""'Lie is a nguhr verb when ..~ A. ir means ~J 'not &I the rmth." L* is an irrtgvlPr wb when it means "pur one's body flat on
Jr. a bed or anorher dace": k, &y, toin.

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