Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Peggy finally figured the answer to the arithmetic problem.

  2. When I was walking through the airport, my arms got tired. So I put my suitcases
    for a minute and rested.

  3. I threw yesterday's newspaper.

EXERCISE 6. Phrasal verbs. (Group A)
Directions: Complete the sentences with pronouns and particles.

  1. A: Did you postpone your trip to Puerto Rico?
    B: Yes, we did. We put ti- & until next summer.

  2. A: Is Pat's phone number 322-4454 or 322-4455?
    B: I don't remember. You'd better look. The telephone
    directory is in the kitchen. ,. , .. :

  3. A: Is Mary asleep?
    B: Yes. I'd better wake. She has a class at nine.

  4. A: Do you want to keep these newspapers?
    B: No. Throw

  5. A: I'm hot. This sweater is too heavy.
    B: Why don't you take?

  6. A: Is that story true?
    B: No. I made

  7. A: When does the teacher want our compositions?. I.
    B: We have to hand tomorrow.

  8. A: I made an appointment with Dr. Armstrong for three o'clock next Thursday.
    B: You'd better write so you won't forget.

  9. A: Do you know the answer to this problem?
    B: No. I can't figure

  10. A: Johnny, you're too heavy for me to carry. I have to put
    B: Okay, Mommy.

  11. A: Oh, dear. I dropped my pen. Could you pick for me?
    B: Sure...

  12. A: How does this tape recorder work? :,11. : I'. '
    B: Push this button to turn , and push that bu&~t&nih '

  13. A: I have some papers for the class. Mi, would you please hand
    for me? 8, .jrJ
    B: I'd be happy to.

  14. A: Timy, here's your hat. Put before you go out. It's cold outside.
    B: Okay, Dad.

Phrasal Verbs 435
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