Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Oroup B: Phraeul Verbs (nomeparable)

on.. ...... ask
from .... aiginate Where do these bananas come f*onr?

oMt, ...... recovet fiOm an illness or a shock Sue got ow her cold and rehuned to

off.. ...... leave a bus/airplane/f~~in/suhway I got off the bus at Meple Street.

........ enter I got on the bus at Pine Street.

......... ent Igot in the taxi at the airport.

EXERCISE 7. Phrasal verbs. (Group B)
Direcrions: Complete the sentences with particles.

  1. When I raised my hand in class, the teacher called 08 me.

  2. While I was walking down the street, I ran an old friend.

  3. Fred feels okay today. He got his cold.

  4. Last week I flew from Chicago to Miami. I got the plane in Chicago. I got
    the plane in Miami.

  5. Sally took a taxi to the airport. She got the taxi in front of her apartment
    building. She got the taxi at the airport.

  6. 1 take the bus to school every day. I get the bus at the corner of First
    Street and Sunset Boulevard. I get the bus just a block away from the
    classroom building.

  7. Mr. Zabidi will look renting a car for his weekend trip.

  8. Where do snow leopards come?

EXERCISE 8. Review: phrasal verbs. (Groups A and B)
Directions: Complete the sentences with particles and pronouns.

  1. I had the flu, but I got ever it a couple of days ago.

  2. I was wearing gloves. I took before I shook hands with Mr. Lee.

  3. Stacy needed to find the date India became independent. She looked
    on the computer and wrote in her notebook.

  4. I tried to solve the math problem, but I couldn't figure

  5. It looked like rain, so I got my raincoat from the closet and put
    before I left the apartment.

  6. A: Have you seen Dan this morning?
    B: Not this morning. I ran at the movie last night.


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