Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. We don't need that light. Would you please turn...?

  2. My coat was too warm to wear inside, so I took....
    (Switch mles if wrking in pairs.)

  3. That music is too loud. Could you please turn...?

  4. These papers are for the class. Could you please hand...?

  5. (... ) was going to have a party, but she canceled it. She called.

  6. My coat is in the closet. I hung....

  7. The story I told wasn't true. I made....

  8. 1 was cold. So I reached for my sweater and put....

  9. (... ) fell asleep in class, so I woke....

  10. I was finished with the tools, so I put....

  11. I don't need these papers, so I'm going to throw....

  12. Let's listen to the radio. Would you lease turn...?


fn.......... comgtete by wrinng in a blank space
ouc......... write Wormation on a form IfiUed out a job applica
up.......... 8lI ~mplefely with gas, water, We ad up the gas tank
coffee, etc.
out........ dincawf information Ifaund out where he livea.
on........ wear She has a blue blouse on.
Lover....... examine careW Look mr your paper for errors before you

$pint out....... call attention to
i&nt out..... ,. create a paper mpy froma computer
:;@st-&wm. .. , ::.. ,.. ... dt8tmy n building

).. -.. nmo~ (paper) by tearing
:..... tearhto.srnall pieces

hand it in.
The teacher pointed out a misspelling.
I fished the letter and printed it aw
They m dawn the old house and built
a new one.
I rote a page out of a mtagazine.
I taa up the secret noee.
.,+\ ;&, ..,:,: h.... change to the opposite direction

After a mile, we mned moundback.
:.::*~ :&urn wa....... turn the ton side to the bottom I nrrned the naoer mr and wrote on the back

EXERCISE 12. Phrasal verbs. (Group D)
Directions: Complete the phrasal verbs.

  1. There was no name on the front of the paper, so I turned it over and looked on
    the back.

  2. My wife pointed an interesting article in the newspaper.

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