A2-1 Preposition combinations: introduction
A2-2 Preposition combinations: a reference list
At,fran, 4 on, and to are examples of prepositions.*
(a) Ali is absent &om class today.
verb + prep
(b) This book belongs to me.
g 'See Chart AZZ, p. 463, for a list of prepositions.
Prepositions are often combined with adjectives, as
in (a), and verbs, as in (b).
EXERCISE 1. Prevlew: preposition combinations. (Chart A2-2)
Direcrionr These sentences contain a sampling of the preposition combinations in this
Appendix. Complete the sentences with prepositions. How many do you already how?
Which ones do you still need to learn?
- Tom is devoted to his family.
- I'm afiaid I don't agree you.
- I wasn't aware the problem.
- I'm excited the concert.
- Are you satisfied your progress?
- She warned us the coming storm.
- What's the matter him?
- It doesn't matter me.
- I got rid my old bicycle.
- I don't approve smoking in public.
1 1. The solution is clear me. - Who is responsible this?
- The hotel provides guesm towels.
- Protect your eyes the sun.
- He med my cup hot tea.