Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A2-1 Preposition combinations: introduction
A2-2 Preposition combinations: a reference list


At,fran, 4 on, and to are examples of prepositions.*
(a) Ali is absent &om class today.
verb + prep
(b) This book belongs to me.
g 'See Chart AZZ, p. 463, for a list of prepositions.

Prepositions are often combined with adjectives, as
in (a), and verbs, as in (b).

EXERCISE 1. Prevlew: preposition combinations. (Chart A2-2)
Direcrionr These sentences contain a sampling of the preposition combinations in this
Appendix. Complete the sentences with prepositions. How many do you already how?
Which ones do you still need to learn?

  1. Tom is devoted to his family.

  2. I'm afiaid I don't agree you.

  3. I wasn't aware the problem.

  4. I'm excited the concert.

  5. Are you satisfied your progress?

  6. She warned us the coming storm.

  7. What's the matter him?

  8. It doesn't matter me.

  9. I got rid my old bicycle.

  10. I don't approve smoking in public.
    1 1. The solution is clear me.

  11. Who is responsible this?

  12. The hotel provides guesm towels.

  13. Protect your eyes the sun.

  14. He med my cup hot tea.

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