Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Do you believe ghosts?

  2. Are you laughing my mistake?

  3. I admire my father his honesty and intelligence.

  4. I argued Anna politics.

  5. I discussed my educational plans my parents.

  6. 1 applied admission to the University of Massachusetts.

  7. We're leaving Cairo next week.

  8. Mrs. Wertz smiled her grandchildren.
    Directions: The prepositions in the column on the left are the correct completions for the
    blanks. Follow the same steps you used for Group A on page 454.
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    Preposition Combinabions: Ctoup C
    Aamr I Sentencee Reference List
    sf I'm aware the pmblem. be awsre s.t.1s.o.
    fi Smolriog ia baa you. bebed s.o.1s.t.
    w Thc solodon ia clear me. be clear 8.0
    abwu &exiscrazy football. be craey 8s.

MU. be cod

  • some chocolate. be hwgry
    in I'm intarsted - - m. be intcscned
    nbau Pm nmus my test scores. be nervous -
    Mih I'm patient children. be padent
    sf My pen= prc pmud me. be proud
    & Who's rcspomible this? be mpoluible -
    &yf I'm sd 1- my job. be sad
    fa A canoe is ai& a loyak. be rimilat -
    Ogl~ I'm sw the facts. be sure

L ..-.. CISE 5. Prepc ,..., n comblnatlons. (Group C)
Directions: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

  1. I don't understand that sentence. It isn't clear me.

  2. Mark Twain is famous his novels about life on the Mississippi River.

  3. I'm hungry some chocolate ice cream.

  4. Our daughter graduated from the university. We're very proud her.

  5. A lot of sugar isn't good you. It is bad your teeth.


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