Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. I amved this city last month.

  2. I amved the airport around eight.
    8. I listened the news on TV last night.
    9. This exercise consists verbs that are followed by certain prepositions.

  3. Jack invited me his party.

  4. I complained the landlord the leaky faucet in the kitchen.

  5. Annie disagreed her father about the amount of her weekly allowance.

  6. Did you talk Professor Adams your grades?

EXERCISE 7. Review: preposition combinations. (Groups A and 0)
Directions: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

  1. Dan is always nice everyone.

  2. A: How long do you need to keep the Spanish book you borrowed me?
    B: I'd like to keep it until I'm ready the exam next week.

  3. A: Why we~cn't you more polite Alan's friend?
    ' B: Because he kept staring

,..,. .. .n me all evening. He made me nervous.

. "" >h?. 4. -.. A: We're going to beat you in the soccer game on Saturday.

, ,. R No way. TWO of your players are equal only one of ours.
A: Oh yeah? We'll see.

  1. Stop pouring! My cup is already full coffee.

  2. May I please borrow some money you? I'm thirsty
    an ice cream soda, and we're walking right by the ice cream shop.

  3. A: Do you believe astrology? (:.I ':...
    B: I'm really not familiar it. !. -,

  4. A: Mike, I really admire you your ability to remember names.
    Will you help me the introductions?
    B: Sure. Ellen, let me introduce you Pat, Andy, Debbie, Olga,
    Ramon, and Kate.

EXERCISE 8. Review: preposition combinations. (Groups A, B, C, and D)
Directions: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

  1. Everyone is talking the explosion in the high school chemistry lab.

  2. Carlos was absent class six times last term.

  3. Fruit consists mostly water.

  4. Our children are very polite adults, but they argue
    their playmates all the time.


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