Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A dog is suppcned to obey ire trajaes.

  2. Peop19 who Livc in aparunent6 are suppasea c
    their mt on rime..

EXERCISE 39, p. 309.

  1. An accident wee happened at th~ -*-

  2. Thinpen 4e -tome,

  3. Inmvery~bythcnmas.

  4. I'm inttroeted in rhPr abject.

  5. Heismsrri#ltomycowin.

  6. Thailand ip located in Southeast Asia.

  7. Msry's dog wee died last week.

  8. WareyoufPIPiiWxlwhsnyouoawhim?

  9. When I weat (go) downtown, I got @et) lost.

  10. htnightiwwvaytired

  11. Thbtia-mre-dwdtarminufesLaa.
    la, 1 - dii(d) with that ~analt.

  12. Our claw is eompwal OP~ts.
    14, I am not acaustamcd to cold weather.

  13. We're not sujtgmsed to have p@ts in our sparrment.

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