Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
, , 5. A: (you, eat) breakfast this morning?
B: No,. I (haw, not) enough
time. I was late for class because my alarm clock (ring, not)

0 EXERCISE 14. Slmple past: questions, short answers, and Irregular verbs.

(Charts 2-1 + 2-7) , >,^2
Directions: Pair up with a classmate.
Speaker A: Ask questions beginning with "LMyou... ?" Listen carefully to Speaker B's
answers to make sure he or she is using the irregular verbs correctly. Look at
Chart 2-7 if necessary to check the correct form of an irregular verb. Your
" '' book is open.
Speaker B: In order to practice using irregular verbs, answer "yes" to all of Speaker A's
questions. Give both a short answer and a long answer. Your book is closed.
Ermple: eat breakfast this morning
';YN: SPEAKER A (book open): Did you eat breakfast this morning?
SPEAKER B (book closed): Yes, I did. I ate breakfast this morning.

.iar 1. sleep well last night 6.

  1. wake up early this morning 7.

.r .:A .i 3. come to class early today 8.

  1. bring your books to class 9.
    5. put your books on your desk 10.
    Sm'tch roles.

  2. hear about the earthquake 17.

  3. read the newspaper this morning 18.
    ,. ,. ,.. -:. 13. catch'a cold last week - - 19.
    '' 14. feel terrible ,.. 'I 20.

  4. see a doctor. -. ~. .,_~

  5. go to a party last night
    ivptnt; Switch 21. buy roles. some books yesterday

  6. begin to read a new novel 27.

  7. fly to this city 28.

  8. run to class today 29.

  9. write your parents a letter 30.
    Switch roles. ,I ;,:<,:I ~..
    f&,.<..:, ,,s
    , 5 31. make your own diier last night 36.

".: 32. leave home at eight this morning 37.

!i:3 ,.,. 33. drink a cup of tea before class 38.
15 34. fall down yesterday 39.

  1. hurt yourself when you fell down 40.

lose your grammar book yesterday
find your grammar book
take a bus somewhere yesterday
ride in a car yesterday
drive a car : (1 ;.'c, ;<:
.'.< ' ':1'
have a good time /I .. ;,.
think about me , -' .:&', 2
meet (... ) the first day of class
shake hands with (... ) when you fist met
himher -,;. ;. ,. .i- ;

send your parents a letter i
lend (... ) some money
wear a coat yesterday
go to the zoo last week
feed the birds at the park

break your arm
understand the question
speak to (... ) yesterday
tell himher your opinion of this class
mean what you said


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