, , 5. A: (you, eat) breakfast this morning?
B: No,. I (haw, not) enough
time. I was late for class because my alarm clock (ring, not)
0 EXERCISE 14. Slmple past: questions, short answers, and Irregular verbs.
(Charts 2-1 + 2-7) , >,^2
Directions: Pair up with a classmate.
Speaker A: Ask questions beginning with "LMyou... ?" Listen carefully to Speaker B's
answers to make sure he or she is using the irregular verbs correctly. Look at
Chart 2-7 if necessary to check the correct form of an irregular verb. Your
" '' book is open.
Speaker B: In order to practice using irregular verbs, answer "yes" to all of Speaker A's
questions. Give both a short answer and a long answer. Your book is closed.
Ermple: eat breakfast this morning
';YN: SPEAKER A (book open): Did you eat breakfast this morning?
SPEAKER B (book closed): Yes, I did. I ate breakfast this morning.
.iar 1. sleep well last night 6.
- wake up early this morning 7.
.r .:A .i 3. come to class early today 8.
- bring your books to class 9.
5. put your books on your desk 10.
Sm'tch roles. - hear about the earthquake 17.
- read the newspaper this morning 18.
,. ,. ,.. -:. 13. catch'a cold last week - - 19.
'' 14. feel terrible ,.. 'I 20. - see a doctor. -. ~. .,_~
- go to a party last night
ivptnt; Switch 21. buy roles. some books yesterday
- begin to read a new novel 27.
- fly to this city 28.
- run to class today 29.
- write your parents a letter 30.
Switch roles. ,I ;,:<,:I ~..
f&,.<..:, ,,s
, 5 31. make your own diier last night 36.
".: 32. leave home at eight this morning 37.
!i:3 ,.,. 33. drink a cup of tea before class 38.
15 34. fall down yesterday 39.
- hurt yourself when you fell down 40.
lose your grammar book yesterday
find your grammar book
take a bus somewhere yesterday
ride in a car yesterday
drive a car : (1 ;.'c, ;<:
.'.< ' ':1'
have a good time /I .. ;,.
think about me , -' .:&', 2
meet (... ) the first day of class
shake hands with (... ) when you fist met
himher -,;. ;. ,. .i- ;
send your parents a letter i
lend (... ) some money
wear a coat yesterday
go to the zoo last week
feed the birds at the park
break your arm
understand the question
speak to (... ) yesterday
tell himher your opinion of this class
mean what you said