Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 22. Past time clauses. (Chart 2-10)
Ditectim: Combine the two sentences into one sentence by using time clauses. Discuss
correct punctuation.

  1. Firsc I got home.
    Then: I ate dinner.

    • After.... OR... after....
      After I got home, I are dinner. OR I ate dinner ajier I got home.

  2. First: I unplugged the coffee pot.
    Then: I left my apartment this morning.

    • Before.... OR... before....

  3. First: I lived on a farm.
    Then: I was seven years old.
    -t Until .... OR. .. until...

  4. First: I heard the doorbell.
    Then: I opened the door.
    ,. ', + AS soon as.... OR... as soon as....
    : ' 5. First: The rabbit was sleeping.
    Then: The fox climbed through the window.
    -r While .... OR ... while ....

  • When.... OR... when....

, , ., ,.

  1. First: It began to rain. ' '. ..
    Then: I stood under a tree. ' '
    -r When.... OR... when....

  2. At the same time: I was lying in bed with the flu.
    My friends were swimmiig at the beach.
    -r While .... OR... while ....

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