Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. I (hit) my thumb while I (use)
    the hammer. Ouch! That (hue)

  2. As soon as we (hear) the news of the approaching hurricane, we
    &gin) our preparations for the stonn.

  3. It was a long walk home. Mr. Chu (walk) until he (get)
    tired. Then he (stop) and (rest)
    until he (be) strong enough to

  4. While I (lie) in bed last night, I (hear)

,. a strange noise. When I (hear) this strange noise, I (turn)
on the light. I (hold) my breath
and (listen) carefully. A mouse (chew)
on something under the floor.

  1. I work at a computer all day long. Yesterday while I (look)
    at my computer screen, I (start) to feel a little dizzy, so I
    (rake) a break. While I (rake) a short
    break outdoors and (enjoy) the warmth of the sun on my
    face, an elderly gentleman (come) up to me and (ask)
    me for directions to the public library. After I (relo
    him how to get there, he (thank)
    me and (go) on his way. I (sray)
    outside until a big cloud (come) and (cover)
    the sun, and then I reluctantly (go)
    back inside to work. As soon as I (return) to my desk, I
    (notice) that my computer (make)
    a funny noise. It (hum) loudly, and my screen was frozen.
    I (think) for a moment, then I (shut)
    my computer off, (get) up from my desk, and (leawe)
    . I (spend) the rest of the day in
    the sunshine.

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