Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

EXERCISE 4. Revlew of verb forms: past, present, and future.
(Chapters 1 and 2; Charts 3-1 and 3-2)
Direceions: Complete the dialogue with your own words. The dialogue reviews the forms
(statement, negative, question, short answer) of the simple present, simple past, and be
going to.
A: I hitchhiked w school yesterday.
B: Oh? That's interesting. Do you hitchhike to school every day?
A: Yes, I do. I hitchhike to school every day.
B: DO you also hitchhike home every day?
A: No, I don't. Etc.

  1. A: I yesterday.

  2. B: Oh? That's interesting. YOU every day?

  3. A: Yes, I. I every day.

  4. B: you also every day?

  5. A: No, I. I every day.

  6. B: YOU yesterday?

  7. A: Yes,I. I yesterday.

  8. B: you also yesterday?

  9. A: No,]. I yesterday.

  10. B: Are You tomorrow?

  11. A: Yes,]. I tomorrow.

  12. B: you also tomorrow?

  13. A: No,]. I tomorrow.

EXERCISE 5. Present, past, and future time. (Chapters 1 and 2; Charts 3-1 and 3-2)
Directions: Pair up with a classmate.
Speaker A: Ask Speaker B a question about his or her activities. Use what and the given
time expressions. Your book is open.
Speaker B: Answer the question in a complete sentence. Your book is closed.
Example: this evening
SPEAKER A (book open): What are you going to do this evening?
SPEAKER B (book ciosed): I'm going to get on the Internet for a while and then read.

  1. yesterday

  2. tomorrow

  3. right now

  4. every day

  5. later today

  6. the day before yesterday

Switch roles.

  1. tonight

  2. the day after tomorrow

  3. last week

  4. next week

  5. every week , r.

  6. this weekend

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