Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


I-You-She-He-It-We-They will come tomorrow. I
1 NL!GATNF. ( I-YOU-She-He-It-We-They will not (won't) come tomorrow. I
I QUESTION I Will I-you-she-he-it-we-they come tomorrow? I
ANSWER ( z::\ I-you-she-he-it-we-they {zrt,

I I the teacher + will = "the teacher'll" speech, but usually not in writing. I

Bob + will = "Bob'll"

Will is often contracted with nouns in


'Ronouns are NOT contracTed with helping verbs in short answers.
CORRBCT: Yas, I win.

EXERCISE 6. Forms with WILL. (Chart 3-3)
Directions: Practice using contractions with will. Write the correct contraction for the
words in parentheses. Practice pronunciation.

1. (I mI1) 111 be home at eight tonight.

  1. (Wed) do well in the game tomorrow.

  2. (You wile probably get a letter today.
    4. Karen is collecting shells at the beach. (She mI1) be home
    I, I
    around sundown.
    5. Henry hurt his heel climbing a hill. (He wili) probably stay
    home today.


  1. (It wil) probably be too cold to go swimming tomorrow.

  2. I invited some guests for dinner. (They will) probably get here
    around seven.

I'll she'll W'U

you'll he'll they'll

EXERCISE 7. Forms with WILL. (Chart 3-3)
DireeEias: Read the following sentences aloud. Practice contracting wia with nouns in speech.

Will is usually contracted with pronouns in
both speech and informal writing.

  1. Rob will probably call tonight. ("Rob'll probably call tonight.")

  2. Dinner will be at seven.

  3. Mary will be here at six tomorrow.

  4. The weather will probably be a little colder tomorrow.

  5. The party will start at eight.

  6. Sam will help us move into our new apartment.

  7. My friends will be here soon.

  8. The sun will rise at 6:08 tomorrow morning.

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