Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 9. Sureness about the future: using PROBABLY. (Chart 3-4)
Directionc For each situation, predict what will probably happen and what probably won't
happen. Include probably in your prediction. Use either &U or be going to.

  1. Antonio is late to class almost every day.
    (be on time tomorrow? be late again?)

+ Anwnw pmbably won't be on time tomorrow. He'llprobably be late again.

  1. Rosa has a terrible cold. She feels miserable.
    (go to work tomorrow? stay home and rest?)

  2. Sam didn't sleep at all last night.
    (go to bed early tonight? stay up all night again tonight?)

  3. Ms. Bok needs to travel to a nearby city. She hates to fly.
    (take a plane? travel by bus or train?)

  4. Mr. Chu is out of town on business. He needs to contact his assistant right away.
    (call her on the phone or e-mail her? wait until she calls him?)

  5. Gina loves to run, but right now she has sore knees and a sore ankle.
    (run in the marathon race this week? skip the race?)

0 EXERCISE 10. Sureness about the future. (Chart 3-4)
Directions: First the teacher will find out some information from Speaker A, and then ask
Speaker B a question. Speaker B will answer using may or maybe if she's simply
guessing or probably if she's fairly sure. Only the teacher's book is open.
TEACHER (book open): Who's going to visit an interesting place in this city soon?
SPBAKBR A (book closed): (SpeakerA raises hislher hand.) I I.
TEACHER (book open): Where are you going to go?
SPEAKER A (book closed): To the zoo.
TEACHER (book open): (Speaker B), how is (SpeakerA) going to get to the zoo?
SPEAKER B (book closed): I have no idea. He may walk, or he may take a bus. Maybe he'll
ride his bike. OR Well, it's pretty far from here, so he'll probably

take a bus. .i t

  1. Who's going to visit an interesting place soon? .I
    Where are you going to go?
    Question to Speaker B: How is (Speaker A) going to get to (name ofplace)?

  2. Who is going to stay home tonight?
    Question to Speaker B: What is (Speaker A) going to do at home tonight?

  3. Who's going to go out this evening?
    ,:. ,::!',. Question to Speaker B: What is (Speaker A) going to do this evening?

  4. Who's going to take a trip soon? t ., *<
    Where are you going?
    Quesdon to Speaker B: How is (Speaker A) going to get to (name of place)?

  5. (SpeakerA), please tell us three thiigs you would like to do this weekend.
    Questia to Speaker B: What is (Speaker A) going to do this weekend?

Future lime 61
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