time clause
I (a) [&firs eat breakfast. igo w class wmoml, ~'rn going to
I @) I'm going to eat breal$estlb&we I go to class
(c) Befom Igo home wnight, I'm going to stop at
the market.
(d) I'm going to eat dinner at 6:00 tonight.
After I eat dinner, I'm going to study in my
(e) I'll give Rita your message when I see her.
(f) It's rainiig right now. As soon as the min
stops, I'm going to wak downtown.
(g) 1'11 stay home und tlre min staps.
(h) Wzilepu're at school wmom, I'll be at work.
(i) Maybe it will rain tomorrow. Zfit minc
tommnm, I'm going to stay home.
In (a) and @): before I go w dass tomom is a future
time clause.
" (~b until soon M }+mbjectamiverb=atimec~ause
The simple present is used in a future time clause.
Will and be going to are NOT used in a future time
INCORRECT: Before I euiU go w class, I'm going w ear
INCORRBCT: Before I am going w go w class tomorrow,
I'm going w eat breakfast.
All of the example sentences, (c) through (h), contain
future time clauses.
In (i): Zfir rains wmom is an if-clause.
if + subject and m+ = an if-clause
When the meaning is future, the simple present (not
will or be going to) is used in an if-clause.
EXERCISE 15. Future time clauses and IF-clauses. (Chart 3-6)
Directions: Underline the time clauses and correct any errors in verb use.
- &-o mv countn, next vm I'm going to finish my graduate
degree in computer science.
- The boss will review your work after she will return from vacation next week.
- I'll give you a call on my cell phone as soon as my plane will land.
- I don't especially like my current job, but I'm going to stay with this company until I
will find something better,
- I need to know what time the meeting starts. Please be sure to call me as soon as you
will find out anything about it.