EXERCISE 18. Future time clauses with BEFORE and AFTER. (Chart 3-6)
Directions: Each item consists of two actions. Decide which action you want to do first.
Use before or afrsr to say what you intend to do. Then perform the actions. Work in
pairs, groups, or as a class. Pay special attention to the verb in the time clause.
- touch your ear / close your grammar book
+ I'm gmng to close my grammar book beforelafrer I touch my ear. OR
BeforeIAfrer I close my grammar book, I'm going to much my ear.
- raise your hand, touch your foot
- sit down, stand up
- clap your hands, slap your hee
- shake hands with (... ), shake hands with (... )
- scratch your chi, pick up your pen
- Think of other actions to perfi.
EXERCISE 19. Future tlrne clauses wlth UNTIL and AS SOON AS. (Chart 3-6)
Directions: Listen to the directions; state what you're going to do; then perform the actions.
Work as a class with the teacher as the leader or in groups with one student designated .,. \ as
leader. Only the leader's book is open; everyone else has a closed book.. - '
.l.d i IJf
Example: (Student A), stand up until (Student B) stands up. Then sit down.'
(Stdent A), please tell us what you're going to do. I(
(Smdent B), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do.
(Student C), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do until (Student B)
stands up.
LEADER: Ali, I'd like you to stand up until Kim stands up, and then sit down. '.
Ali, please tell us what you're going to do.
AU: I'm going to stand up until Kim stands up. Then I'm going to sit down.
LEADER: Kim, please tell us what Ali is going to do.
KIM: He's going to stand up until I stand up. Then he's going to sit down.
LEADER: Maria, tell us what Ali is going to do as soon as Kim stands up.
MARIA: As soon as Kim stands up, Ali is going to sit down. &I/
Students A and B then perform the actions.
- (Student A), sit at your desk until (Student B) knocks on the door. Then get up and
walk to the door.
(Student A), please tell us what you're going to do. I. l!dl
(Stdent B), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do.
(Student C), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do as soon as (Student B)
hocks on the door. - (Student A), hold your breath until (Student B) snaps hidher fingers. Then breathe
(StudentA), please tell us what you're going to do. ir , ,I" -. ,
(Student B), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do.
(Student C), please tell us what (Student A) is going to do as soon as (Student B)
snaps hisher hgers.