Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
B: No, thanks. I can't. I Heidi at 6:30 at the new
seafood restaurant on Fifth Street.

  1. A: What courses YOU this year?

' I. I B: I English, biology, math, and psychology.
A. What courses YOU next year?
B: I English literature, chemistry, calculus, and history
A: That should keep you busy!

  1. A: I on vacation tomorrow.
    B: Where YOU?
    A: To San Francisco.
    B: How are getting there? YOU or
    your car?
    A: I. I have to be at the airport bypwen tomorrow
    B: Do you need a ride to the airport?
    A: No, thanks. I a taxi. Are you planning to go
    somewhere over vacation?
    B: No. I here.

  2. A: Stopl Annie! What
    ",.. .'! B: I ~. .~ my hair, Mom.
    :. I& Oh dear! c2,,. i. , I,
    ;; d ..., ,. .,A' I.

Future Time 71
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