Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


v unu v
L) Jim mnm ,,,r his bed landl up his

(b) Ann is cooking diner and (is) trrIkinp on the
phone at the same time.
(c) I ruin stay home and (will) study tonight.
(d) I am going to stqy home and (am going w)
ah@ tonight.

"..b.. n D"",.... ..-o rrrr lure -.l. sir ru.u An. cu "2
and. We say that the two verbs are parallel:
v + and + v

It is not necessary to repeat a helping verb (an
auxiliary verb) when two verbs are connected by

EXERCISE 30. Parallel verbs. (Chart 3-10)
Directions; Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in parentheses.

  1. When I (walk) waked into the living room yesterday, Grandpa (read)
    a newspaper and (smoke) his pipe.

  2. Helen will graduate soon. She (move) to NewYork and
    (Iwk) for a job after she (graduate).

  3. Every day my neighbor (d) me on the phone and (complain)
    ,+.,:.... about the weather.

  4. Look at Erin! She (my) and (laugh) at the
    same time. I wonder if she is happy or sad?
    I'm beat! I can't wait to get home. After I (get) home, I (take)
    a hot shower and (go) to bed.
    Yesterday my dog (dig;) a hole in the back yard
    and (bury) a bone.
    I'm tired of this cold weather. As soon as spring (come)
    1 (play)
    tennis and (jog;) in the park as often
    as possible.
    Whiie Paul (cany) brushes and paint
    and (climb) a ladder, a bird fly)
    down and (sit)
    on his head. Paul (dmp)

and (fl) it all over the ground.
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