B: Not that I know of. Mine says, "Your trust in a friend (pe) 4
well-founded." Good. I (like) having trustworthy friends.
C: This one says, "A smile (mmcome) a language
barrier." Well, that's good! After this, when I (understand, nor) 7
people who (speak) English to me, I (smile, just)
at them!
D: My fortune is this: "Your determination (make) YOU
succeed in everything."
, , L. A: Well, it (iook) like all of us (have)
,;^11 12
,<I1 [I! I:.. good luck in the future! ,': ,"' '. .-", ... ""'
0 EXERCISE 36. Future time. (Chapter 3)
- Direcrias: Do you believe that some people are able to predict the future? Pretend that
. , you have the abiliry to see into the future. Choose several people you know (classmates,
teachers, family members, friends) and tell them in writing about their future lives.
Discuss such topics as jobs, conmbutions to humankind, marriage, children, fame, and
exciting adventures. With your words, paint interesting and fun pictures of their future