5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Introduction to the Analysis Essay ❮ 85

  • Point by point

  • Subject by subject

  • A combination of both of the preceding

“Working the Prompt”
As you did with the previous essay, the very first thing you must do is to read and decon-
struct the prompt carefully. What follows is a sample prompt that you could find in the
essay section of the exam.

  • Plan to spend 1–3 minutes carefully reading the question.

  • After this initial reading, highlight the essential terms and elements of the prompt.

Carefully read the following excerpt from Louisa May Alcott’s nonfiction narra-
tive Hospital Sketches (1863). In a well-written essay, analyze how Alcott develops
her argument concerning human compassion in a time of war.

Time yourself. How long did it take you?
Compare your highlighting of the prompt with ours.

Carefully read the following excerpt from Louisa May Alcott’s nonfiction narrative
Hospital Sketches (1863). In a well-written essay, analyze how Alcott develops her
argument concerning human compassion in a time of war.

Notice that the prompt asks you to do TWO things. You must identify Alcott’s argu-
ment AND analyze how the author constructs her argument. If you address only one of
these areas, your essay will be incomplete, no matter how well written it is.

Review terms and strategies related to purpose, effect, organization.

Follow the process for reading the passage we illustrated for you in the first section of
this chapter. Remember, you are going to do a close reading that requires you to highlight
and make marginal notes (glosses) that refer you to the section of the prompt that this
citation illustrates.

Spend between 8 and 10 minutes “working the material.”
Do not skip this step. It is key to scoring well on the essay.


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