5 Steps to a 5 AP English Language 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Exam 1 ❮ 187

  1. The speaker characterizes the great writers as
    being able to
    A. surprise the reader
    B. present universal truths
    C. create harmony in their writing
    D. be philosophical
    E. write about nature

  2. The speaker’s attitude toward great writers in
    the fourth sentence of paragraph 1 (lines 5–8)
    might best be described as
    A. skeptical
    B. confused
    C. accusative
    D. validated
    E. patronizing

3 7. The speaker’s tone in the passage can best be
described as
A. pretentious
B. analytical
C. satirical
D. ambiguous
E. servile

  1. All of the following lines use figurative language
    A. “It is remarkable, the character of the
    pleasure we derive from the best books.
    They impress us with the conviction that
    one nature wrote and the same reads.”
    B. “... and some preparation of stores for
    their future wants, like the fact observed in
    insects.. .”
    C. “We boil grass and the broth of shoes,
    so the human mind can be fed by any
    D. “I would only say that it needs a strong
    head to bear that diet. One must be an
    inventor to read well.”
    E. “Gowns and pecuniary foundations, though
    of towns of gold, can never countervail the
    least sentence or syllable of wit.”

  2. After reading the passage, the reader can infer
    that the author desires to
    A. praise the work of current writers
    B. change the curriculum of the college
    C. change college administration
    D. warn against relying on academic
    E. criticize the cost of college
    40. The pronoun “this” in the last sentence of the
    passage refers to
    A. “But they can only highly serve us when
    they aim not to drill, but to create.. .”
    B. “History and exact science he must learn by
    laborious reading.”
    C. “Thought and knowledge are natures
    in which apparatus and pretension avail
    not h i ng.”
    D. “Forget this, and our American colleges
    will recede in their public importance.. .”
    E. “When the mind is braced by labor and
    invention, the page of whatever book we
    read becomes luminous with manifold

  3. According to the speaker, the characteristics
    of the discerning reader include all of the
    following except:
    A. brings himself to the work
    B. makes connections with the past
    C. discards irrelevancies
    D. approaches difficult readings willingly
    E. aspires to be a writer

  4. Paragraphs 1 and 2 develop their ideas using
    ALL of the following EXCEPT
    A. metaphor
    B. simile
    C. allusion
    D. paradox
    E. parallel structure
    43. The purpose of the third paragraph is to
    A. defend the role of reading
    B. praise history and science
    C. delineate the qualities of an ideal college
    D. inspire student scholars
    E. honor college instructors

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